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Arrange a variable by the ordering of another variable


arrange_var(rel_abund_tb, var = "sample_id", levels)



A relative abundance table in tibble form.


The variable to sort.


The variable to sort with.


A tibble with a sorted variable.


rel_abund_phy(phy = physeq, meta_data = TRUE) %>%
    arrange_var(levels = "location")
#> # A tibble: 1,000 × 9
#>    sample_id asv   level  taxon  rel_abund depth location date       sample_id.1
#>    <fct>     <chr> <chr>  <chr>      <dbl> <int> <chr>    <date>     <chr>      
#>  1 Smp1      ASV1  Phylum Pseud…   2.12e-6    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  2 Smp1      ASV2  Phylum Spiro…   6.35e-6    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  3 Smp1      ASV3  Phylum Pseud…   1.68e-3    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  4 Smp1      ASV4  Phylum Pseud…   1.91e-5    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  5 Smp1      ASV5  Phylum Actin…   2.12e-5    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  6 Smp1      ASV6  Phylum Actin…   2.68e-3    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  7 Smp1      ASV7  Phylum Pseud…   6.14e-5    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  8 Smp1      ASV8  Phylum Bacil…   0          30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#>  9 Smp1      ASV9  Phylum Pseud…   0          30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#> 10 Smp1      ASV10 Phylum Bacte…   2.12e-6    30 place_b  2020-02-17 Smp1       
#> # ℹ 990 more rows