Grab metadata table from a tsv file and format to tibble
Grab metadata table from a tsv file and format to tibble
fpath <- system.file("extdata/tsv", "metadata.tsv", package = "bubbler")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#> sample_id Depth Carbon_source Date
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <date>
#> 1 Smp1 15 Hexadecane 2021-01-21
#> 2 Smp2 19 Hexadecane 2021-12-27
#> 3 Smp3 14 Glucose 2020-04-02
#> 4 Smp4 3 Hexadecane 2021-07-31
#> 5 Smp5 10 Styrene 2019-05-09
#> 6 Smp6 18 Glucose 2020-09-13
#> 7 Smp7 22 Styrene 2020-06-12
#> 8 Smp8 11 Styrene 2021-01-21
#> 9 Smp9 5 Glucose 2021-05-18
#> 10 Smp10 20 Glucose 2019-11-10