Pool taxa according to threshold
Applies a threshold and pools any taxa below this threshold, across samples and optionally, across a variable.
rel_abund_phy(physeq) %>% pool_taxa()
#> # A tibble: 300 × 3
#> sample_id taxon rel_abund
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Smp1 Actinomycetota 0.00290
#> 2 Smp1 Bacillota 0.00000212
#> 3 Smp1 Bacteroidota 0.000667
#> 4 Smp1 Other 0.00333
#> 5 Smp1 Pseudomonadota 0.00183
#> 6 Smp1 Spirochaetota 0.00000635
#> 7 Smp10 Actinomycetota 0.000110
#> 8 Smp10 Bacillota 0.0000191
#> 9 Smp10 Bacteroidota 0.0000508
#> 10 Smp10 Other 0.00626
#> # ℹ 290 more rows